What is Kombucha: All the main aspects

Que es la kombucha

With various possible health benefits, this natural drink is usually considered a unique and nutritious flavor remedy that can be part of many people’s daily diets. Therefore, it is highly recommended by many, including me, although in others, it generates some controversy due to some side effects. And today, we are going to talk in detail … Read more

20 Possible Benefits of Kombucha

Beneficios de la kombucha

Most consumers claim that kombucha benefits human health, being considered a remedy for almost any ailment or disease. Still, the reality is that many of these claims lack a scientific basis that can prove their benefits for humans. Despite this, kombucha is still used by those who aspire to obtain these benefits. Some of these … Read more

Kombucha alternatives you need to know

Alternativas a la kombucha

Kombucha is a drink quite rich in flavor (at least for me). Still, we have already spoken on some occasions that many people feel displeasure when drinking it. Additionally, it is a drink not recommended for people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, as seen in the article about kombucha and heartburn. Regardless of the reason, there is often … Read more

Kombucha: Acidic or Alkaline

Kombucha acidic or alkaline

It’s impossible not to smell kombucha; it’s too strong not to, so indeed, you must think that kombucha is acidic and can be bad for your acidity, but is it? The answer will surprise you. Alkaline or acidic? Kombucha is an acidic beverage with an average pH of 3 (2.5-3.5). However, notwithstanding the above, as long … Read more