Ketogenic Diet Is Kombucha Keto?

The keto diet has run like wildfire among all those people who want to lose some weight, since it has shown excellent results. If you are a kombucha consumer and you have been bitten by the bug of wanting to practice this diet, you surely wonder if you can continue drinking this fermented at the same time without compromising in any way the keto or its effects.

So can kombucha and keto coexist? Of course, since the natural composition of kombucha does not exceed the guidelines required by the keto diet to develop ketosis, which is the basis of all its success when reducing the fat contained in the body.

That way the answer to our question is established, but then we will expand it so that it is much clearer.

Can kombucha break the keto diet?

No, you can’t. In a keto diet it is required, among other parameters, to maintain a low carbohydrate index, since only then can ketosis occur. And kombucha, although by its nature is a sugary fermented, is actually low in carbohydrates, so its intake is not an obstacle.

The keto diet, in order to work in weight loss, requires maintaining a certain level of carbohydrates. The specific amount you can consume per day ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 grams for each kilogram of weight you have[1]. Of course, the carbohydrate limit varies from person to person, although if you have problems of overweight or obesity logically that limit will be higher.

Well, kombucha has never been characterized as a drink especially high in terms of carbohydrates. To set an average, we could say that in general terms each 100 ml of this wonderful, fermented drink has only 2.3 grams of carbohydrates.

Let’s say now that a person weighs 100 kilos, a measure that is already considered obese. The bill would give a total of 20 grams of carbohydrates allowed daily, according to the minimum we already established. For kombucha to affect you in that case you would need to ingest almost a liter in the same day, a daily amount not very common among its consumers and outside the recommended limits.

Clearly, some brands of kombucha may contain more carbohydrates and perhaps a slightly different nutritional table. Despite this, the margin of danger remains zero. However, just in case you simply check its specifications well when acquiring it.

Now, can kombucha break the fast? It is a different question, and its answer also varies, so we invite you to read the related article by clicking on the link.

Can I combine kombucha and keto with a fast?

No, it is not possible to combine kombucha and keto with a fast. This is because in kombucha there is presence of sugar, an element that when fasting has to be absent. Consequently, you could not take advantage of the conditions of a good fast in favor of your ketogenic diet.

In order to exist, kombucha needs to have sugar[2]. Therefore, it is not a factor that can be dispensed with in its preparation. Of course, we must remember that the sugar level can be reduced a lot if we let it ferment for longer.

But even then, it would continue to be present, in minimal quantities, but present. In that sense, it would contrast with fasting since it requires the absence of sugars in order to be carried out.

Entering the sugar of kombucha into your body would break the fast. Therefore you would lose the possibility of taking advantage of the wonderful conditions that are generated by fasting. And it is that during a fast the body loses many of the components that it needs to get rid of in order to do the keto diet.

In other words, fasting would be an enhancer, because it purifies the organism, and the process of ketosis is accelerated. However, as we have seen, kombucha would make all that difficult.

Thus, a simultaneous coexistence of the three elements is not feasible, if you really want to take advantage of them as it should be. It may be best to keep keto with kombucha only, and then alternate with fasting.

Can I supplement keto with other ferments?

Kombucha doesn’t have to be your only complement during keto. There are two more ferments that can give you almost identical support:


Kimchi is a fermented one that actually consists of several ingredients, including garlic and cabbage. All the elements go through a fermentation process to be able to elaborate this nutritious food, which in fact can be done in many ways.

But why might kimchi be useful with keto? Well, because among its benefits is to contribute to weight loss. This is possible because it regulates the sugar level and also the appetite. In turn, it is rich in fiber, a nutrient that will help you feel full stomach, which will not give you as much hunger as usual.

If that wasn’t enough, kimchi is low in calories. It is estimated that every 2/3 of a cup house just 40 calories. Consequently, none of its elements will cause a counterproductive effect on your ketogenic diet.


Sauerkraut is a fermented sauerkraut that can also carry various ingredients. But there is one that is never absent, and that is cabbage or cabbage. The latter is the protagonist of the fermentation process, after which it acquires a relatively acidic but pleasant taste.

Sauerkraut is well known because, like kombucha, it is able to greatly improve the intestinal flora. In the long term, this allows you to improve and accelerate digestion, which allows you to achieve better processing of the components. Therefore, it can be a good ally with keto, as it will facilitate ketosis a little.

Should I add kombucha to my keto diet?

Certainly, you should add kombucha to your keto diet because both elements can offer you a spectacular combination. On the one hand, you can start losing weight progressively. On the other, you can boost your immune system through kombucha.

The ketogenic diet is primarily intended to help you lose weight if you have a weight problem. This ties in perfectly with kombucha, as one of its benefits is to help control appetite. That way they are a perfect complement. In addition, when ingesting kombucha, its probiotic properties will regulate your intestinal activity as well as the microbiota.

All of the above will result in a much healthier, more active and more apt intestinal flora to make the most of ketosis. From this perspective, kombucha is an excellent first step to getting started on the keto diet.

We finally come to the close of this article. With this brief review we hope that it has become clear to you how advantageous it can be to merge keto with kombucha. We also invite you to be attentive to the next informative content that we will do for you.